Residential Development

Our portfolio of residential projects includes single-family subdivisions, townhouses, condominiums and apartment buildings across New Hampshire. We have extensive experience working on both rural subdivisions as well as urban developments, including redevelopment projects. The development of a residential site or subdivision generally results from the cumulative efforts of multiple disciplines. We have a strong association with local consultants including surveyors and architects. As the lead consultant, we have the professional staff and the technical capabilities to successfully guide residential development projects from conception through to completion.

Our involvement in residential projects typically begins early on in the conceptual stages, during the evaluation of a particular piece of land and/or an existing structure. There are many factors that go into determining the best-use for a proposed residential development, including topography, environmental constraints, and local land use regulations. Our thorough knowledge of the local, state and federal permitting processes help to expedite the project through the final stages of design and permitting.

Residential Design

  • Subdivision Design
  • Site Planning & Design
  • Roadway & Utility Design
  • Grading & Drainage Design
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Design of Offsite Roadway Improvements
  • Sanitary Sewer System Design
  • Storm Water Management Design
  • Hydrological and Drainage Analyses
  • Erosion and Sedimentation Control Design
  • Construction Specifications and Contract Documents
  • Cost Estimates and Quantity Take-offs
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Preparation
  • Subsurface Disposal System Design (Septic System)


  • Local - (Planning Board, Zoning Board, Conservation Commission, etc.)
  • NHDES - (Wetlands, Alteration of Terrain, Shoreland, Septic, Sewer Connection, etc.)
  • NHDOT - (Driveway Permitting)
  • ACOE - (NH Programmatic General Permit)
  • FEMA - (Map Amendment)
  • EPA - (NPDES Construction General Permit)



  • Land Surveys
  • Landscape & Planting Design
  • Traffic Studies
  • Architectural Design
  • Geotechnical Investigations/Evaluations
  • Structural Design
  • Environmental Studies
  • Archaeological Studies

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Featured Projects

Our extensive experience in all sectors is showcased through a variety of projects - includings some of these more recently completed.